What is the best way to prevent Dengue Fever & Zika Virus? Install our Insect Screen is definitely a wide choice for every household. We provide quality insect screen at an affordable price . Contact us now for free Demo!

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Dengue and ZIKA Prevention Singapore
Dengue Fever and Zika Virus
Dengue Fever and Zika Virus are the most common mosquito-borne viral diseases in the world. As Singapore’s climate gets warmer, we are experiencing these diseases threats. Dengue fever and Zika virus are transmitted by the Aedes mosquitoes. Currently, there are no anti-viral drugs for these diseases.
Statistics have shown that the number of Dengue Fever and Zika Virus cases have been alarming recently. It is an utmost task to control and keep away from these nasty, annoying Aedes mosquitoes. Dengue fever and Zika Virus cannot be spread from one person to another. It is spread when an infected Aedes mosquito bites someone. Singapore tropical and humid climate provide an ideal condition for the survival of these Aedes mosquitoes. Hence, it is important to protect yourself and your family members being attacked by these Aedes mosquitoes.
Common Symptoms of Dengue Fever and Zika Virus
• High Fever with severe headaches
• Eyes pain, red eyes
• Severe Joint and muscle pain
• Fatigue
• Skin Rashes
How to mitigate the risk from ZIKA and dengue infections?
Until now there is no vaccine available in the market against ZIKA and dengue virus. You can obtain more information on dengue prevention from the CDC website. It also takes a combined effort from the government members of public and us to promote the awareness by keeping our environment clean and remove any stagnant water from the flower pots, cleaning up the choke gutters and drainage system.
How to prevent Dengue Fever and Zika Virus?
The common control measure to prevent dengue fever and Zika Virus is to prevent the breeding of its carrier, the Aedes mosquitoes. How to identify the Aedes mosquitoes? The main characteristic is the black and white stripes on their bodies. One of the important measures to get rid of the Aedes mosquitoes is by frequently checking and removing stagnant water in your working areas and home. Apart from clearing stagnant water around the house which will prevent the breeding of these Aedes mosquitoes, installing magnetic insect screen is another good measure to prevent them from flying into your house. You can kill two birds with one stone. The insect screen not only keeps away the mosquitoes but also stop all flying insects and bugs. These insect screens will act as a shield to protect you and your loved ones from the dangerous Aedes mosquitoes which are the responsible for the spreading of dengue fever and Zika Virus.